Play Therapy
The value of Play is well known as play is a child’s natural language and toys are their ways of
communicating. Child-centered directive and non-directive play therapy is a developmentally
appropriate, evidence-based well recognised form of therapy for children. Our trained play
therapists work from a child-centered, family focused approach that provides a safe place built
upon a nurturing therapeutic relationship that enables your child to express and explore their
inner and real-life experiences in ways that build insight, self-expression and capacity andprevent or resolve psychosocial difficulties to support their optimal growth and development.
The Centre on the Developing Child of Harvard University (2021) establishes that play in early
childhood is the main way of supporting the three core principles needed in their development:
supporting responsive relationships, strengthening core life skills, and reducing sources of stress.
Our play therapy room is a dedicated space that has been carefully created to represent
expressive play themes of nurture, real-life, aggression and fantasy. This enables children, in
developmentally appropriate ways, to process their experiences, explore troubling thoughts and
feelings, emotionally respond, express worries and wishes, regulate emotions, reduce or resolve
problems or sources of stress, communicate, and develop, practice and master new skills.